
it is important to be able to see in the shower

How many of you glasses-wearing folks out there in the vast emptiness of the interwebs have gotten into the shower onto to realize that you are still bespectacled? Seriously, this happens to me every few days.



P.S. Sorry for the crappiness of recent blog posts. I'm in the middle of exams. Click this.


adventures in being poor

You know what's embarrassing? Trying to make a 25 dollar purchase at the grocery store and getting all the way through the check-out before realizing that you don't have any money.

I'm such a deadbeat.


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Server Number Eight

Dear devastatingly attractive man who was my waiter at East Side Mario's tonight,

You were cute and funny and at least ten years older than me. You brought me cheese cappelletti and put extra cheese on it for me and tricked me into buying an extra chocolate milk by distracting me with your shy smile. I don't usually fall for the upsell, but I don't begrudge you for taking advantage of my obviously flustered state. You waited until a convenient time when mouths were between bites to ask how dinner was tasting, which I thought was terribly polite of you. When supper was over, I sat at the table alone while everyone else was off in the washroom. I read your name off the cheque. I still have no idea how to properly pronounce it, but I liked it because it contains the ae dipthong. You flitted by and informed me that you were just 'going to steal the cheque there'. I blushed and said 'okay' and sort of smiled into the plate of candies that was on the table in front of me. You went off to the kitchen and I thought about how nice your hair was and how blue your eyes were and how I should've written my number on the cheque.

I went home and worked some internet magic, and I found you.

I'm jealous of your boyfriend.


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to do.

I've created some lists of things that I need to get around to reading and watching. Suggestions that seem good will also be added to the lists. I'm counting on you, internet! Nternet! Ternet! Ernet! Rnet! Net! Et! T! Okay, those were supposed to be echoes, implying that nobody reads my blog. Give me a break; it's hard to express that with text.

To Read

Paradise Lost - John Milton
We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
The Vatican Cellars - Andre Gide
Ulysses, Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce
Bend Sinister - Vladimir Nabokov
The Rainbow - D.H. Lawrence
The Age of Reason - Jean Paul Sartre
2666 - Roberto Bolano
The Hero With a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

Lady Windermere's Fan - Oscar Wilde

To Watch

City Lights, Monsier Verdoux - Charlie Chaplin
Blowup - Michelangelo Antonioni

The Mighty Boosh
Twin Peaks


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this entry is fail

I presently have zero motivation. I should be doing work. I contemplated doing work. I even sort of started doing work. Alas, I am sitting here, reading blogs, Facebooking (yeah, it's a verb now), and hoping someone interesting will come on MSN. It's a pretty typical night.

I hoped maybe blogging would provide me with something vaguely worthwhile to do. I'm finding I really have nothing of worth to say though. I'm going to go now, lest I inadvertently raise the 'whiny emo' factor of this blog to over 9000.


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Try this at home, kids.

The following was overheard in my University-level grade twelve English course today. The book in question is George Orwell's '1984'.

"I don't get it."
"What page are you on?"
"Like.. sixteen."

She then went on to explain that the 'it' that she didn't get was.. well, basically everything.

In other news, I have an experiment that you should try. First, you need to obtain some of those neat glasses that you get for free at tanning salons. I'd like to mention at this point that my parents are the ones visiting the tanning booths, not me.

They look like this.

Now, put them on. Resume going about your day. Contrary to what you may believe, other people may not think that this is quite as cool as I'm sure you will once you have the goggles on. I don't recommend doing it at work unless you enjoy being ostracized more than usual. I also don't recommend doing it while driving for reasons that you'll discover once you try it.


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obligatory welcome post 2: the re-obligatory welcoming posting.

Greetings from the void.

It's 2009, and I'm starting anew. I've decided to change my focus a bit regarding the sort of material that I put up on the blog. I think I'm going to make it a bit more personal now, and sort of chronicle my slow journey toward university. When I actually get there, I intend to use this blog as my primary method of keeping everyone updated regarding what's going on with me.

So, I'll start with the definition of 'verbigeration', from The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary (okay, so I accessed it from dictionary.com):

verbigeration ver·big·er·a·tion (vər-bĭj'ə-rā'shən)
Obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases, especially as a symptom of mental illness.

There you go.

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