
obligatory welcome post 2: the re-obligatory welcoming posting.

Greetings from the void.

It's 2009, and I'm starting anew. I've decided to change my focus a bit regarding the sort of material that I put up on the blog. I think I'm going to make it a bit more personal now, and sort of chronicle my slow journey toward university. When I actually get there, I intend to use this blog as my primary method of keeping everyone updated regarding what's going on with me.

So, I'll start with the definition of 'verbigeration', from The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary (okay, so I accessed it from dictionary.com):

verbigeration ver·big·er·a·tion (vər-bĭj'ə-rā'shən)
Obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases, especially as a symptom of mental illness.

There you go.


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